Travel Nursing

Do you want to work and travel at the same time? Do you want to experience different parts of the country—or even the world—while still working as a nurse? If so, travel nursing might be the perfect career choice for you.

What is Travel Nursing?

In a nutshell, “travel nursing” is a job that entails working as a nurse in a temporary position at a healthcare facility. These positions are typically for 13 weeks at a time, though some may be shorter or longer. Travel nurses usually work 3–4 12-hour shifts per week.

One of the main reasons that travel nursing exists is to help fill staffing shortages at healthcare facilities. For example, if a hospital in California is short-staffed, they may bring in travel nurses from other parts of the country to help fill the gap.

Travel nursing offers more than just seeing the sites of the world, though. It also comes with several other benefits, such as:

Competitive pay: Since travel nurses are in high demand, they often earn more money than staff nurses.

Flexibility: You can choose when and where you want to work.

Paid housing and travel expenses: Some travel nursing agencies will even pay for your housing and travel expenses.

Completion bonuses: Many agencies offer completion bonuses to incentivize nurses to finish their assignments.

Career growth opportunities: Travel nursing can help you develop new skills and grow your career.

However, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. Some challenges come with being a travel nurse.

What Challenges Come With Being a Travel Nurse?

You need to understand the challenges of being a travel nurse before deciding if it’s the right career path.

  • You’re constantly moving: One of the biggest challenges of being a travel nurse is continually moving. Travel nursing might not be the right fit if you don’t like change or struggle with goodbyes.
  • You’re away from home: Since travel nurses typically travel alone, you’ll be away from family and friends for long periods. This can be tough if you’re used to being surrounded by loved ones.
  • You must be flexible: The healthcare industry is constantly changing, which means you need to adapt on the fly.
  • You’re working in a new place: Every time you start a new assignment, you’ll work in a different facility with new co-workers. This can be challenging, especially if you’re shy or have difficulty meeting new people.
  • It’s often chaotic and stressful in short-staffed environments: One of the main reasons they need travel nurses is because of staffing shortages. This can mean working in a chaotic and stressful environment.

You need to understand the challenges of being a travel nurse before deciding if it’s the right career path.

If you’re considering travel nursing, make sure you understand the challenges and benefits before deciding. It’s not the right fit for everyone, but it can be an enriching experience for those who choose to pursue it.

Do you want to learn more about opportunities that await you as a travel nurse? Contact us today., We would be happy to answer any questions about travel nursing or help you start your new career path.